Mark Twain brought Tom Sawyer to life. We've given Becky a turn!
Tom Sawyer with none of the controversy!
We are aware that Tom Sawyer has become something of a hot-button issue in today’s world. Since this is a reinterpretation of the story, it has given us the chance to soften some of the elements that many people object to. Joplin Joe is now the antagonist and Ray Potter, not Muff, is the deputy mayor (not the town layabout). This is a great opportunity to introduce kids to the American classic and open the discussion around the controversial elements in Twain’s original, if so desired.
Have a listen to the samples below. If you want to hear more, we'll send you a link to the script and songs.
The genesis of Becky Thatcher :
What is a classic story to adapt for the stage? Tom Sawyer
How many boys do we have available? As always with theater; not enough.
Why aren't there more shows with girls as the main character?
Our response to all of these questions was to take Mark Twain's classic of American Literature and see it through the eyes of his momentary 'fiance', Becky.
Complete with a spunky, rebellious young woman, Becky Thatcher still has many of the adventures that we are familiar with including the famous whitewash scene, but lets us meet Becky and many of the girls of Hannibal, Missouri and see Mark Twain's world through fresh eyes.
Becky Thatcher is available for licensing!
Running Time: 80 minutes plus intermission
Ages: 4th grade and up. (ages 9+)
Cast Size: 25 speaking roles plus a flexible chorus size.
A few more girls than boys in this one, and gender can be switched for many roles if boys are a problem. (Well, boys can often be a problem, but you know what we mean ;)
Number of Songs: 16.
Cost: $299 (limited time offer) for schools and camps which includes access to:
Piano/Vocal Score*
Vocal Lead Sheets*
Backing tracks for rehearsal and performance purposes if desired.
Unlimited performances within a 2-week calendar period.
(* When you license a show, we give you access to PDF's of the show material, so you can print whatever is required for your production. There are no scripts or scores to rent or buy.)